10G Bandwidth Dedicated Servers

At the time when 1Gbps dedicated server uplink was considered an industry standard, we were the first to provide truly unshared and unmetered 10Gbps bandwidth. RHINOTECH main mission remains delivering data to end users with the highest speed and efficiency possible.
Our 10Gbps servers are ideal for high-bandwidth industries such as:
CDN、Video streaming、Gaming、VOIP 、Tech
Use Coupon Code【RHINOTECH7】For 70% Recurring Discount On A Dedicated Server!
Starting from
$2198.00 USD
[LAD10G]E5-2680V4 Dual
E5-2680V4*2 (56 LCPU)
128G RAM
4 x 1T NVMe SSD(Up to 20TB)
10Gbps Unlimited
5 IPs
10Gbps DDoS Protection
● Los Angeles China Direct Test IP :
● Los Angeles China Optimization Test IP :
Starting from
$5999.00 USD
[SVD10G]E5-2680V4 Dual
E5-2680V4*2 (56 LCPU)
256G RAM
10 x 4T NVMe SSD(Up to 48TB)
10Gbps Unlimited
5 IPs
20Gbps DDoS Protection
● Silicon Valley China Direct Test IP :
Starting from
$7330.00 USD
AMD EPYC 7H12 (128 LCPU)
256G RAM
10 x 4T NVMe SSD(Up to 48TB)
10Gbps Unlimited
5 IPs
20Gbps DDoS Protection
● Silicon Valley China Direct Test IP :